Asian Jasmine Care Guide - A Gardeners Dream (2024)

I love the sound of birds in my garden and choosing plants that are bird-friendly is a great way to attract them into my living space.

The Asian Jasmine is a beautiful plant with fragrant flowers and glossy evergreen leaves. And, birds love it too. It is versatile and can be used as a groundcover, a wall climber, or even in a hanging basket.

The evergreen leaves turn to a lovely bronze-red in colder weather. The flowers are star-shaped in a creamy-white color that turns yellow as they mature. Although it is not a Jasmine, the scent is very much like a real Jasmine.

I have planted mine in a semi-shady spot where I had difficulty growing anything that looked attractive. The plant has spread rapidly and covered the ground.

This has created a lovely hideaway spot where I can sit on my garden bench and relax with a book and a glass of iced tea.

The Latin name for the Asian Jasmine is Trachelospermum asiaticum. It is also known as the Yellow Star Jasmine or the Chinese Jasmine.

Table of Contents

Asian Jasmine Care

The Asian Jasmine is a hardy plant, ideal for many types of gardens from Chinese to cottage, coastal and tropical. It requires well-draining soil and grows well in a range from full sun to full shade. It can tolerate a range of temperatures and grows in USDA Zones 7b to 10 but is less suited to constantly cold climates. Keep the pH of the soil slightly acidic to neutral soil between 5.5 to 7.0. It grows with a creeping, spreading habit and can be used as ground cover, or to climb walls, fences, and trees to create an attractive display. You can prune or trim it back if it grows beyond the boundaries you have set. Use an organic fertilizer with an increased phosphorus value for increased bloomin.

The Origin

The word Trachelospermum comes from the Greek words meaning seed and neck. The word asiaticum means ‘from Asia’ and the plant does indeed have its roots in Asia.

It is native to India, China, Korea, Japan, Indo-China, and Malaysia. It is most commonly found growing in mountain forests and scrub, where it climbs up trees.

It was first described in 1846 by the Bavarian physician and naturalist Philipp Franz von Siebold.

Siebold traveled and studied in Japan from 1823 to 1829. When he arrived back in Germany, he was assisted by Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini to describe the plant. The plant was originally called Malouetia asiatica.

Asian Jasmine Care In-Depth Guide


The Asian Jasmine is tolerant of a wide range of soil types. Soil types can be a combination of clay, loam, sand, and organic matter.

It does, however, prefer well-draining soil and won’t do well in soil that remains damp for long periods of time. It will even tolerate drought and very dry soil.

I have a fabulous compost-making kit in my garden. I fill it with fallen leaves, grass cuttings, and dead flowers.

My Asian Jasmine does really well when I mix some of my home-made compost into the soil.

The PH balance of your soil is important to keep your plant as healthy as possible. It is easy to test the Ph levels of your soil with a simple PH home-testing kit. Neutral pH is 7.0. Acidic soil has a pH of 6.0 or less.

For your Asian Jasmine, a slightly acidic to neutral soil with a pH between 5.5 to 7.0 is ideal.


The Asian Jasmine will thrive in full sun, part sun, and even full shade. As you can see, it is a hardy and versatile plant for any garden. Many plants won’t do well in full shade but the Trachelospermum asiaticum will grow happily.

You do not need to worry too much about the light. Plant it wherever you like and it will be fine.


The Asian Jasmine is drought and heat tolerant and can withstand drier conditions for long periods of time.

That being said, you may find that if your plant is planted in full sun in very hot conditions, the leaves and flowers may start to wilt.

Giving it a good watering will soon perk it back up to its happy self.

Depending on your natural rainfall, feel free to water your plant whenever you feel like tending to your garden. As long as your soil is well-draining, your plant will be happy.

Asian Jasmine watering care tip: Don’t water your plant at night, especially during Winter. Water in the soil can become icy and may damage the roots.


Once established, the Asian Jasmine can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. It enjoys full sun and will even grow in cooler full shade conditions.

This makes it a very versatile and easy-to-care-for plant, especially for a beginner gardener.

It can tolerate temperatures as low as 0°F to 10°F (-18°C to -12°C) for short periods of time. The plant is listed for hardiness, USDA Zones 7b to 10.


The Asian Jasmine will thrive in average humidity conditions of around 50%. Being hardy and tolerant, it will even do well in drier conditions but may require watering if you see that the leaves and flowers are starting to wilt.

Asian Jasmine temperature care tip: Try to avoid planting your Trachelospermum asiaticum in extremely humid conditions that are damp and moist all the time.

It is not a tropical rainforest plant and does prefer to dry out.


Most plants respond well to fertilizing and the Asian Jasmine is no exception.

Mature plants can be fertilized in early Spring and then again in the middle of Summer.

Don’t fertilize your plant late in the growing season. This stimulates new growth as the weather turns colder and the new shoots can be damaged by cold and frost. There is no need to fertilize in Winter.

I use a fertilizer that encourages blooming. The flowers of the Asian jasmine are so delightful I want as many as possible!

Fertilizers are indicated by a system of 3 numbers. If you are buying a ready-made fertilizer, you may see numbers like 5-10-5 or 10-30-20 on the package. Don’t panic. These numbers indicate the ratio amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

To encourage blooms, I choose a fertilizer with a higher amount of phosphorus. So I look for a larger 2nd number.

Like most plants, your Asian Jasmine also enjoys natural organic fertilizer. You can make this yourself at home using a compost-making kit or a worm-factory kit.

If making your own compost does not appeal to you, simply buy a bag from your local nursery. Mulch or compost breaks down naturally and feeds nutrients into the soil and the plants.

It improves the overall condition of the soil, which is ideal for any type of plant. By using compost regularly you will eventually reduce the need for purchased fertilizer.


When planted as a ground cover, the Asian Jasmine can grow to a height of 1 foot to 2 feet (12cm to 24cm) and spread as wide as 10 feet to 12 feet (300cm to 350cm). It offers beautiful glossy green leaves that are an oval shape. The leaves turn to a deep bronze-red as the weather gets cooler.

Because it is evergreen, you will always have a burst of green color in your garden. No sad, bare branches on this plant!

The flowers are a star-shape with five petals. They are usually a creamy-white but can turn to yellow when mature. Flowers are around 3/4 inch (2cm) in size and are produced in abundant clusters. They have a lovely sweet fragrance, much like a real Jasmine.

The stems of the Asian Jasmine have a twining habit. They will attach to tree trunks, fences, or trellises and climb fast. When left to climb, your plant can reach heights of as much as 15 feet to 20 feet (450cm to 600cm).

This delightful plant attracts birds. You will always have a garden filled with movement and the chirping of our feathered friends.

Trachelospermum asiaticum growth tip: If your plant creeps or climbs too much, look at the section on pruning to get it back into shape.

Where to plant your Asian Jasmine

The Trachelospermum asiaticum is a naturally creeping, climbing, and twining vine plant.

It is ideal to plant as a ground cover, where it will spread rapidly. Because it can tolerate shade, you can use it in shady spots under trees or bushes where other plants struggle to grow.

It can be used to climb up a wall, latticework, chain link fence, or a trellis.

Do you want to create a focal point in your garden? Plant your Asian Jasmine at the base of a tall tree and allow it to climb up the trunk. It creates a stunning show.

If you live in an in-city apartment with no garden, you can plant the Asian Jasmine into a pot. Choose a pot with a size of 12 inches (30cm) diameter or larger.

Ensure that your container has drainage holes at the base and that they are not blocked. This will allow any excess water to run out. The Asian Jasmine will not do well if the roots stand in water for too long. The roots will start to rot and the plant will die.

Using a pot is a great way to add to life and color to a dull patio. Your plant will require pruning from time to time to keep it in check. Cut back any stems that become too long or look untidy.

As an indoor plant, the Trachelospermum asiaticum also looks lovely in a hanging basket. Allow the long stems to trail downwards and snap a photo when the flowers bloom.

I am considering using my Asian Jasmine to cover a rather unattractive fence between my garden and the neighbors. I am sure that once it is established, the boundary wall will be far more pleasant to look at.

How to plant your Asian Jasmine

Planting Asian Jasmine outdoors

The best time to plant is in Spring and early Summer.

Select your spot and break up the ground using a spade or a hoe. Dig down to a depth of around 12 inches to 16 inches (30cm to 40cm).

Fertilize the soil with an organic mix. I like to use a mix of peat and compost that will feed the soil with loads of nutrients. You can also add in some fertilizer that encourages blooming.

For ground cover, plan to plant each Asian Jasmine about 8 inches to 10 inches (20cm to 25cm) apart.

Gently remove the plant from the packaging and shake off excess soil. This allows the roots to free up and untangle. If the roots are tightly balled up, gently pry them loose with your fingers. Take care not to break them off.

Dig a hole (or many holes) deep enough to hold the roots with some extra space to spare. Check that the plant will stand more or less at the same height as the container you bought it in.

Place the plant into the hole and use a small spade to fill in the empty space around it. Do not pack the soil too tightly, but ensure that the plant is well grounded.

When you are planting against a trellis or fence, gently wind a long stem around a fence post or trellis to start the climbing process. If your plant is too small to do this, allow it to grow for a few weeks and then attach it.

Water well and then water daily for the next few days. Allow it to dry out between waterings.

Asian Jasmine planting care tip: If needed, you can use a prop or support to hold up your plant until it becomes strong enough to stand on its own. Remember to remove the support once the plant is established. You don’t want it to become a permanent feature in your garden.

Planting Asian Jasmine into a pot

The Asian Jasmine looks very attractive in a decorative pot. It also is well suited to a hanging basket.

Select a pot depending on how big you want your Asian Jasmine to grow. Larger pots encourage growth, while smaller pots tend to keep the plants smaller.

Place a layer of crushed granite or small pebbles at the base of the pot to help with water drainage. Half fill your pot with a rich potting soil or organic mix.

Gently remove the plant from the packaging and shake off excess soil. This allows the roots to free up and untangle.

If the roots are tightly balled up, gently pry them loose with your fingers. Take care not to break them off.

Place the plant into the center of the pot. Do not press the roots tightly against the base, they do need space to grow.

Using a scoop, fill in the sides of the pot with the remaining soil. You can use a prop to hold up your plant if it is very delicate and not yet strong enough to stand on its own.

Water well and ensure that excess water drains out of the holes at the base of the pot. Water daily for the next few days. Allow it to dry out between waterings.

Asian Jasmine potting care tip: Glazed or plastic pots will retain water for longer. This is because the sides are sealed and slow down the evaporation process. A porous clay or ceramic pot allows water to evaporate faster. Rather choose a porous pot for your plant. Plastic is also harmful to the environment as it does not degrade. I always try to choose an eco-friendly option.

Pruning care

If you go away on vacation and return to find that your Asian Jasmine has overtaken your garden, don’t get into a panic. It is a prolific spreader and climber and grows fast.

Some simple trimming will soon get it back into shape. And, because this is a strong and hardy plant, you do not need to do it like a surgeon. Just snip away and your plant will not get unhappy.

For the odd vine that has strayed from a pot plant or has become too long, simply cut off with a pair of hand pruners.

If you have a larger area like a ground cover, you can use a string trimmer to neaten up the edges and even snip off a layer at the top of the vines.

For those gardeners who are fit and up against a very well established plant, you can use your lawnmower. This may sound drastic, but it will do the job.

Set your mower to the highest setting and ensure that your blades are sharp. Mow away at the edges of your plant. The plant may look ragged for a few weeks until new leaves and vines smooth off the rough edges. But it will soon recover with no harm done.

When all else fails, pull out the roots. The sure-fire way to stop growth is to remove the plant together with all of its roots. Make sure that you dig deep and remove all the roots.

Don’t leave any bits behind. The plant will simply grow new roots and stems and you will be back to square one.

Asian Jasmine in-depth propagation guide

The Asian Jasmine can be propagated from cuttings. You can also use an entire section of a mature plant, that you have dug up and replanted.

Propagating your own plants is a fun way to add to your garden without spending money. Plants also make great gifts to offer to friends and family.

They are especially well received by new homeowners faced with a bare patch of empty ground.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to propagate your Asian Jasmine.

Propagate Asian Jasmine from cuttings

  • Prepare a container of clean water, filtered if possible
  • Mix in a small amount of rooting fertilizer. This will encourage the growing process
  • Using a sharp knife, snip off a piece of stem with a few leaves
  • Trim off any leaves at the base of the stem to prepare a longer clean stem
  • Do this as many times as you need new plants
  • Prepare some extra cuttings as not all the cuttings will root
  • Place the cuttings into the container filled with water
  • Place in a warm spot
  • Top up the water if necessary as it evaporates
  • Within a few weeks, you will see small white roots starting to emerge at the base of each cutting
  • When the roots reach a length of about 1 inch (2.5cm) or more, you can take the next step
  • Prepare a seedling potting tray by filling each cell with a potting mix. I like to use a 50% peat, 50% perlite mix
  • Using your finger or a stick, poke a small hole into the center of each cell
  • Carefully remove the seedlings from the container of water and separate them if they have become tangled.
  • Take care not to break off the new roots that have formed
  • Plant each cutting into its own cell in the tray, by pushing it into the hole and gently filling the hole with soil
  • Water lightly and stand the tray in a warm spot with a few hours of direct sun per day
  • Water daily
  • After 3 to 4 weeks, each little plant should have established a stronger root system
  • You can now carefully remove them one by one with the soil plug and replant into your garden, indoor pots, or hanging baskets

Propagate from a section of a mature plant

  • If you have a well established Asian Jasmine, you can ‘borrow’ a section to replant into a new spot in your garden
  • Prepare your new planting spot
  • Dig a hole about 1 foot (30cm) square and 6 inches (15cm) deep
  • Water well and mix in some organic compost or rich potting mix
  • Using a spade, dig out a square of the mature plant
  • Try to cut a piece about 1 foot (30cm) square and 3 inches (7cm) deep, together with the leaves, stems, and root system
  • Carefully remove from the ground in one piece
  • Transfer it to your new spot
  • Place into the hole and fill up with additional soil
  • Water well and then water frequently until the new sections become established
  • Your new Asian Jasmine will soon start to spread happily

Common problems with Asian Jasmine

Pest Control

The Asian Jasmine is a hardy plant and is not susceptible to disease. On the odd occasion, it may suffer from leaf spot caused by a fungus known as Cercospora. This fungus generally attacks the leaves, but not the root or the stems.

The indication that your plant is suffering from leaf spot can be seen when you notice light brown or tan spots with purple-red borders.

You probably don’t have to worry unless the situation becomes very severe. In this case, you can treat the plant with a fungicide.

I always prefer to use a natural solution where possible. Mix up a solution of 1 tablespoon baking soda, 2 1/2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, and 1 teaspoon of natural liquid soap in a gallon of water. Pour it into a mist sprayer and spray the leaves.

The fungus will not be destroyed, but it is prevented from reproducing. If the leaf spot becomes bad, you may have to consider cutting away the entire stem that is affected.

Neem oil is also a great way to keep nasties off your plants. Mix 2 tablespoons into 1 gallon of water. Spray the undersides of the leaves.

Asian Jasmine pest control tip: Spray neem oil onto plants in the evening. Avoid spraying in hot sunny weather. Try not to spray it over any friendly insects like bees and butterflies that may be visiting your plant.

Wilting leaves

This is one of the few problems that you may have with your Asian Jasmine. The solution is simple. Give it a good watering and it will soon perk up.

The plant can withstand long periods of dryness, but a shower of water when the leaves are wilting will help it along.

Tips to grow Asian Jasmine problem-free

  • Plant into well-draining soil
  • Plant into sun or shade
  • Water every one to two weeks or less
  • Water if you see that the leaves are wilting
  • If in a pot, do not allow the roots to stand in water
  • Fertilize once in Spring and once in Summer
  • Prune back if it becomes untidy or spreads too much
  • This plant requires minimal fuss, leave it alone and it will be happy

Frequently asked questions about Asian Jasmine

Can Asian Jasmine grow indoors?

It can grow indoors but is more commonly found outdoors. It tends to spread and climb fast, so you may have to trim it from time to time. Indoors, it looks stunning in a hanging basket with the pretty flowers trailing downwards.

Is it easy to care for Asian Jasmine?

Asian Jasmine is easy to care for. Plant and leave it alone. It can tolerate dry spells, full sun, and even shade. This is a great choice if you don’t want to fuss too much over your garden plants, but still want to be rewarded with flowers and fragrance.

How big does Asian Jasmine grow outdoors?

When planted as a ground cover, your plant can reach a height of 1 foot to 2 feet (30cm to 60cm), and spread as wide as 10 feet to 12 feet (300cm to 360cm). If left to climb unattended, it can reach heights of 15 feet to 20 feet (450cm to 600cm). Some pruning may be needed to keep it under control.

Does the Asian Jasmine attract birds?

It does and that is one of the main reasons why I love it so much. My garden is filled with movement and sound. And, it is evergreen, so I don’t have sad, bare branches to look at during the Winter months.

Is Asian Jasmine pest resistant?

Asian Jasmine seldom suffers from any serious pest infestations or disease. It is also deer resistant. So, if you have friendly deer nibbling on your plants, they won’t be tempted to eat your Asian Jasmine.

Is Asian Jasmine salt tolerant?

Asian Jasmine is salt resistant. This is great news for people who are lucky enough to live at the coast. Coastal gardening is a challenge due to the high levels of salt content in the air. This can damage many species of plants. The Asian Jasmine is salt tolerant and can be planted and survive in coastal gardens.

What is the best place to plant Asian Jasmine?

This versatile plant is ideal for most gardens. It can be used as a ground cover in a spot that does get much sun. It also grows happily in full sun and can be used to line pathways or fill in space alongside a driveway.The Asian Jasmine looks stunning when climbing and twining. It can climb up fences, trellises, garden posts, and even tree trunks to create a fabulous eye-catching display.If you have an unsightly border fence or wall, cover it with Asian Jasmine and turn it into a feature in your garden. For those people who do not have a garden, you can plant it into a pot or a hanging basket. It will thrive in a warm spot. Keep an eye on it and trim back stems if it becomes unruly or untidy.


If you don’t want to worry about the sun, shade, watering, fertilizing and pests, the Asian Jasmine is the answer. It will enhance a Chinese, cottage, or tropical-themed garden.

It is hardy and grows with a lovely creeping and twining habit. I love the fragrant creamy-white flowers that it produces in abundance. It adds a pop of all-year color to my garden and attracts birds as an added bonus.

This is a great choice for any shady spot where you want a ground cover or where you want to create a stand-out feature on its own.

I am going to team up my Asian Jasmine up with a companion called a Creeping Juniper. The Creeping Juniper has lighter greeny-yellow leaves and is also a great ground cover.

The leaves will be a lovely contrast to the dark green glossy leaves of the Asian Jasmine.

Asian Jasmine Care Guide - A Gardeners Dream (2)


Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.

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Asian Jasmine Care Guide - A Gardeners Dream (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.